Bikepacking Adventure: From Montreal to New York City
Are you looking for the ultimate challenge on your bike? Then our guided bikepacking tour from Montreal to New York City is just right for you! This tour is designed for ambitious riders who embrace long distances and demanding stages. Experience the thrill of bikepacking on an 800 km route that takes you through breathtaking nature and connects two of North America's most spectacular trails: the Western New England Greenway and the Empire State Trail.
From the vibrant streets of Montreal to the iconic avenues of New York City – this journey offers everything a cyclist could wish for. You'll tackle six demanding stages, covering distances of 120 to 180 km per day, taking you through diverse landscapes and charming small towns. Each night, you'll rest in carefully selected hotels and motels, ensuring optimal recovery after intense days on the bike. Start each morning fully recharged before taking on the next challenge.
With German-speaking tour guides and two experienced leaders by your side, you'll have the support and motivation you need on every stage.
IMPORTANT: We carry our own spare clothing, hygiene items, and other essentials. Make sure you have proper packing options on or attached to your bike. Don't bring too much – you’ll have to transport everything yourself. We’re happy to provide a recommended packing list upon request.
Tour Highlights:
Hereby, you are definitively booking the Bikepacking Trip through the Triberg Gravel & Mountain Bike Reisen Shop:
Bikepacking Trip // Montreal (CA) to New York City (US) // 24.04. - 02.05.2025
Included Services:
Guided Bikepacking Tour:
From Montreal (Canada) to New York City (USA)
All overnight stays in comfortable hotels and motels are included
Morning Start:
Breakfast provided at the accommodations (where possible)
Two-Wheeled Adventure:
800 km route with 4,350 meters of elevation – an unforgettable bikepacking experience!
Six Challenging Stages:
120-180 km per day through breathtaking landscapes
Expert Tour Leadership:
Accompanied by experienced German-speaking guides
Pre-Trip Meeting:
Comprehensive briefing with all necessary information (online or offline)
New York Sightseeing Tour
Airport Transfer
Your Guides:
Andreas & Christoph – two genuine bikepacking pros!
Not Included:
Outbound & return flights (we are happy to assist you with booking your flights)
Mandatory travel insurance (book here)
Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages during the trip
Single room supplement (available upon request)
By booking, you confirm your participation in the Bikepacking Trip // Montreal (CA) to New York City (US) // 24.04. - 02.05.2025. Please note, the trip is booked WITHOUT your arrival. You ride the routes at your own risk; we assume no liability for self-inflicted accidents. Changes reserved. Availability, printing, and typographical errors are subject to change.
Please note: You must bring your own bike; rental bikes are not provided by Triberg Gravel & Mountain Bike Reisen. Accommodations may include shared rooms.
Versandkostenfrei in folgende Länder: Afghanistan, Albanien, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarktis, Antigua und Barbuda, Armenien, Niederländische Antillen, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate , Ägypten, Algerien, Amerikanische Jungferninseln, Amerikanisch-Ozeanien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Äquatorialguinea, Argentinien, Aruba, Aserbaidschan, Äthiopien, Australien, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesch, Barbados, Belarus, Belgien, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Botsuana, Bouvetinsel, Brasilien, Britische Jungferninseln, Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgarien, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, China, Cookinseln, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Dänemark, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea, Deutschland, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Dschibuti, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estland, Falklandinseln, Färöer, Fidschi, Finnland, Frankreich, Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete, Französisch-Guayana, Französisch-Polynesien, Gabun, Gambia, Georgien, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Griechenland, Grönland, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard- und McDonald-Inseln, Honduras, Indien, Indonesien, Irak, Iran, Irland, Island, Israel, Italien, Jamaika, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien, Kaimaninseln, Kambodscha, Kamerun, Kanada, Kap Verde, Kasachstan, Katar, Kenia, Kirgisistan, Kiribati, Kokosinseln, Kolumbien, Komoren, Kongo, Kroatien, Kuba, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lettland, Libanon, Liberia, Libyen, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Madagaskar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malediven, Mali, Malta, Marokko, Marshallinseln, Martinique, Mauretanien, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mazedonien, Mexiko, Mikronesien, Monaco, Mongolei, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mosambik, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Neukaledonien, Neuseeland, Nicaragua, Niederlande, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Nördliche Marianen, Norfolkinsel, Norwegen, Oman, Österreich, Osttimor, Pakistan, Palästinensische Gebiete, Palau, Panama, Papua-Neuguinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippinen, Pitcairn, Polen, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Republik Korea, Republik Moldau, Réunion, Ruanda, Rumänien, Russische Föderation, Salomonen, Sambia, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé und Príncipe, Saudi-Arabien, Schweden, Schweiz, Senegal, Serbien und Montenegro, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Simbabwe, Singapur, Slowakei, Slowenien, Somalia, Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong, Sonderverwaltungszone Macao, Spanien, Sri Lanka, St. Barthélemy, St. Helena, St. Kitts und Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Pierre und Miquelon, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Südafrika, Sudan, Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln, Suriname, Svalbard und Jan Mayen, Swasiland, Syrien, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Tansania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad und Tobago, Tschad, Tschechische Republik, Tunesien, Türkei, Turkmenistan, Turks- und Caicosinseln, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Ungarn, Uruguay, Usbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatikanstadt, Venezuela, Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigte Staaten, Vietnam, Wallis und Futuna, Weihnachtsinsel, Westsahara, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Zypern Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
Heightmeters in total
Start and Finish
Certified Route
Participants get route
+ Requirements
This bikepacking trip is perfect for physically fit riders who love a challenge. We cover approximately 120-180 km per day, depending on the stage – without any rest days. You should be confident that you can physically manage the entire route.
Our pace is moderate, we ride as a group, and no one is left behind – team spirit is our priority! Every participant will receive the GPX routes in advance for optimal preparation, and we organize an online route briefing beforehand to go through all the details.
+Flight with your bike
To reach the starting point in Montreal and later fly home from New York, we will book an open‑jaw flight. This option is usually only marginally more expensive than a round‑trip flight to the same destination, and other travel options to Canada or the USA are not logistically feasible.
Important: You must book your flight yourself; we do not arrange flight bookings! Remember to add your bike as extra luggage when booking your flight. We recommend a bike bag from Buds‑Sports that can be packed easily—we’ll send it to your hotel in New York so it’s available for your return journey. Alternatively, you can get a bike box, dispose of it upon arrival in Montreal, and pick up a new one in New York. Please check the packing dimensions with your airline in advance to ensure your bike is accepted.
► Head of Triberg Gravel & Mountain Bike Reisen
► Instagram Triberg Travel
► Turned his hobby into a profession 11 years ago, now involved in everything bike-related
► Born in 1976
► Globetrotter always in search of new trails
► Trained profession: Graphic Designer
► Also: Owner of Mount Three Bike Wear & Ruhrpott Jerseys
► 38-40mm wide tires for optimal grip and low rolling resistance
► Tires with a tubeless setup
► 16-17L saddlebag for your extra clothes
► 9L handlebar bag for provisions (and shoes)
► Top tube bag (upper) for the batteries
► Top tube bag (lower) for rain gear
► 2x water bottles (600-800 ml)
► Tool bottle for a multitool, spare tube, tubeless repair kit, spare valve, rag, and chain oil
► Air pump & rear light (pack a front light as well)
► We are happy to support you in choosing the optimal components
► The bike is packed in a soft bike bag
► It is very important that the bike is well cushioned in the bag to prevent any damage
► A hard case is not recommended, as we ship the bag with FedEx
► We only recommend bags that can be easily packed for shipping when empty
► The bags are shipped with FedEx from Montreal to New York City
► Alternatively, a bike box can be used, which is then disposed of at the Montreal airport
► Accordingly, a new bike box must be obtained in New York City
► We are happy to assist you with bike transport by airplane
After a long flight from home, we arrive in Canada – the promised land – and head straight to the hostel, centrally located in downtown Montreal. There, we set up our bikes and get ready for
a relaxed evening in the city. With local beer and delicious poutine, we wind down the day and mentally prepare for the upcoming bikepacking tour. Together, we review the individual stages
once more and look forward to the many exciting kilometers ahead.
We start the tour in Mount Royal Park and enjoy the panoramic view over Montreal. Next, we head to the Old Town to the Basilica of Notre-Dame and the lively Vieux-Port, where we find street
artists and cafés. For lunch, we recommend the cozy Café Olive et Gourmando with fresh sandwiches.
After the break, we ride through Parc Jean-Drapeau on the islands in the Saint Lawrence River and along the picturesque Lachine Canals. To conclude, the route leads into the trendy district
of Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, where we will try the famous poutine at La Banquise or enjoy the iconic smoked meat at Schwartz's Deli. A perfect mix of culture, nature, and culinary
On our first stage from Montreal to New York City, we start together in the vibrant metropolis of Montreal and ride to Burlington. Along the Western New England Greenway, we enjoy gentle
hills and the idyllic landscape of Vermont as we cross the border into the USA. At the end of the day, we reach the charming city of Burlington on Lake Champlain. This route is the perfect
kickoff for our shared bikepacking adventure!
Today's stage:
- 185 km
- 570 meters of elevation
On the second stage of our bikepacking tour, we travel from Burlington to Shoreham. We start at Lake Champlain and ride along scenic country roads through the heart of
Vermont. The gentle hills continually offer great views of the Green Mountains. After a day full of intense kilometers, we reach the peaceful Shoreham, surrounded by vast
fields and charming farms. This stage takes us deeper into rural Vermont and prepares us for the upcoming challenges!
Today's stage:
- 112 km
- 710 meters of elevation
Auf der dritten Etappe unserer Bikepacking-Tour geht es von Shoreham nach Albany. Nachdem wir die idyllische Landschaft Vermonts hinter uns lassen fahren weiter in Richtung New York. Die
Route führt uns durch ruhige Straßen und vorbei an kleinen Ortschaften, bevor wir auf die ersten Ausläufer des Bundesstaates New York treffen. Die Fahrt endet in der geschichtsträchtigen
Stadt Albany, der Hauptstadt des Staates, wo wir den Tag entspannt ausklingen lassen und uns auf die kommenden Etappen vorbereiten. Eine abwechslungsreiche Strecke, die ländliche Ruhe und
urbanes Flair verbindet!
Heutige Etappe:
- 172 km
- 1.100 Höhenmeter
On the fourth stage of our bikepacking tour, we cycle from Albany to Kingston along the Empire State Trail. We leave the capital and follow the Hudson River, which takes us through a varied
landscape. Riding on well-maintained paths, we pass through picturesque towns and forests, always with views of the surrounding hills. The Empire State Trail offers quiet stretches and leads
us directly to Kingston, a charming town by the river. Here, we wind down the day with a shared dinner and recharge for the challenges ahead.
Today's Stage:
- 120 km
- 730 meters of elevation
On the fifth stage of our bikepacking tour, we travel from Kingston to Elmsford, always along the Empire State Trail. We continue following the Hudson River, passing historic towns and lush
forests. The well-maintained bike paths provide a comfortable and scenic ride. Along the way, we feel the proximity of the New York metropolitan area as we cycle through quiet and charming
suburbs. Upon arriving in Elmsford, we prepare for the final stage and enjoy the evening in a relaxed atmosphere..
Today's Stage:
- 156 km
- 900 meters of elevation
On the final stage of our bikepacking tour, we ride from Elmsford to New York City, again along the Empire State Trail. The anticipation builds as we cover the last kilometers and the bustle
of the big city draws near. We pass through the green suburbs before plunging into the busy streets of the metropolis. The route takes us right into the heart of Manhattan, past iconic
landmarks. Upon arriving at Times Square, we have reached our destination – an unforgettable moment after this impressive journey. Together, we celebrate our adventure and properly wind down
the tour.
Today's Stage:
- 46 km
- 230 meters of elevation
After our arrival in New York City on May 1, 2025, the bikepacking tour officially ends. The first night from May 1st to May 2nd is included in the price, so we can enjoy the evening in the
city together.
If you wish to extend your stay (at an additional cost), you can remain in the same hotel through us until May 5th. In the meantime, we offer a free bike sightseeing tour of New York and show
you the best places to eat.
At the end of our bikepacking tour, we participate in the Five Boro Bike Tour. This event takes us on a roughly 65 km route through the five boroughs of New York City: Manhattan, Bronx,
Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. With over 30,000 participants, it is one of the largest cycling events in the USA and offers the opportunity to experience the city from a new
The route is suitable for cyclists of all levels and is mostly run on streets closed to traffic. We ride past well-known landmarks and cross several bridges, including the impressive
Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. The tour ends on Staten Island, where we wind down the day together.
Participating in the Five Boro Bike Tour provides a fitting conclusion to our journey and allows us to experience New York City in a special way.
Today's Stage:
- 65 km
After our unforgettable experiences in New York City and our successful participation in the Five Boro Bike Tour, we prepare for our journey home to Germany. We carefully pack our bikes into
the transport bags that we had sent to the hotel in advance, and we double-check all travel documents. We use the remaining time for one last stroll through the bustling streets of
At the airport, we say goodbye to the USA and reflect on the many impressions of our journey. On the plane, we have time to reflect on the experiences of the past days and look forward to
reuniting with family and friends. Despite the fatigue, we feel a deep sense of satisfaction and perhaps already the anticipation of the next adventure. Upon arriving in Germany, we retrieve
our bikes and begin the final leg home. Returning with many unforgettable memories in tow, we look forward to sharing our experiences.
Our accommodations can be generously spacious in rural areas, as shown in the left image, or offer a fantastic view while being smaller, as shown in the right image.
However, we always ensure that our participants have enough space and that the hotel or motel meets a certain standard. For us, the cheapest hotel is not automatically the best! The rooms are
always double rooms, but not always with two separate beds. It may happen that a large king-size bed is provided. Unfortunately, this cannot always be avoided, as the places are often small
and the accommodations offer limited space.
If you wish to stay in the same hotel, from 02. - 05.05.2024
2x French double beds (we recommend sharing the room) // 17 m² // Air conditioning // Private bathroom (in-room) // Flat-screen TV // Free Wi-Fi // Breakfast buffet included
Versandkostenfrei in folgende Länder: Afghanistan, Albanien, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarktis, Antigua und Barbuda, Armenien, Niederländische Antillen, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate , Ägypten, Algerien, Amerikanische Jungferninseln, Amerikanisch-Ozeanien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Äquatorialguinea, Argentinien, Aruba, Aserbaidschan, Äthiopien, Australien, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesch, Barbados, Belarus, Belgien, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Botsuana, Bouvetinsel, Brasilien, Britische Jungferninseln, Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgarien, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, China, Cookinseln, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Dänemark, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea, Deutschland, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Dschibuti, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estland, Falklandinseln, Färöer, Fidschi, Finnland, Frankreich, Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete, Französisch-Guayana, Französisch-Polynesien, Gabun, Gambia, Georgien, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Griechenland, Grönland, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Heard- und McDonald-Inseln, Honduras, Indien, Indonesien, Irak, Iran, Irland, Island, Israel, Italien, Jamaika, Japan, Jemen, Jordanien, Kaimaninseln, Kambodscha, Kamerun, Kanada, Kap Verde, Kasachstan, Katar, Kenia, Kirgisistan, Kiribati, Kokosinseln, Kolumbien, Komoren, Kongo, Kroatien, Kuba, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lettland, Libanon, Liberia, Libyen, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Luxemburg, Madagaskar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malediven, Mali, Malta, Marokko, Marshallinseln, Martinique, Mauretanien, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mazedonien, Mexiko, Mikronesien, Monaco, Mongolei, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mosambik, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Neukaledonien, Neuseeland, Nicaragua, Niederlande, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Nördliche Marianen, Norfolkinsel, Norwegen, Oman, Österreich, Osttimor, Pakistan, Palästinensische Gebiete, Palau, Panama, Papua-Neuguinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippinen, Pitcairn, Polen, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Republik Korea, Republik Moldau, Réunion, Ruanda, Rumänien, Russische Föderation, Salomonen, Sambia, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé und Príncipe, Saudi-Arabien, Schweden, Schweiz, Senegal, Serbien und Montenegro, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Simbabwe, Singapur, Slowakei, Slowenien, Somalia, Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong, Sonderverwaltungszone Macao, Spanien, Sri Lanka, St. Barthélemy, St. Helena, St. Kitts und Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Pierre und Miquelon, St. Vincent und die Grenadinen, Südafrika, Sudan, Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln, Suriname, Svalbard und Jan Mayen, Swasiland, Syrien, Tadschikistan, Taiwan, Tansania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad und Tobago, Tschad, Tschechische Republik, Tunesien, Türkei, Turkmenistan, Turks- und Caicosinseln, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Ungarn, Uruguay, Usbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatikanstadt, Venezuela, Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigte Staaten, Vietnam, Wallis und Futuna, Weihnachtsinsel, Westsahara, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Zypern Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
+ What do I need to pack?
At least 2 spare tubes (for tubeless, also include a tube + repair kit), optionally a hip pack or other storage on the bike (bags) or on your jersey. A helmet. A derailleur hanger for
your bike, as these are not standardized and each bike has its own. Possibly chargers for your technical gadgets (shifting, GPS, etc.). Weatherproof clothing for riding, as the weather
can change at any time. Additionally, a few changes of clothes, underwear, technical wear, and personal hygiene items. Everything you would normally take on a multi-day trip. We are happy
to send you a packing list to guide you.
+ Anything else important?
Very important: Bring enough fluids on the tours—take sufficient bottles (to attach to your bike or use a hydration pack). You should also provide snacks (energy bars) for the tours, as
we burn a lot of energy every day that needs to be replenished. Furthermore, pack a small lock for quick stops when shopping and a larger lock for when we leave the bikes unattended. We
always try to keep the bikes in sight as much as possible!
+ What about food & drinks?
We arrange our own meals along the way or the hotels/motels offer us breakfast (not always). In the evenings, we go out to eat.
+ Traffic & a Traffic-Safe Bike
The route is planned so that we primarily ride on public side streets, which are sometimes in varying conditions but are predominantly paved. It can also happen that we ride in sections
on the highway, where traffic is occasionally heavier. When possible, we plan the route in favor of less-trafficked roads. Bring lights for your bike—it can also happen that we arrive at
dusk. Be sure to bring a rear light, as it’s always important to be seen!
+ I have booked the trip, what happens now?
We will contact you immediately. You will receive a booking confirmation from us after your reservation. If you pay via PayPal or credit card, the full amount is due immediately. If you
choose prepayment, you must pay a 25% deposit after receiving the booking confirmation. In the event of a cancellation 30 days before the start of the trip, you will receive your deposit
back. If you cancel later, our cancellation policy applies.
+ I have booked the trip, but I got injured and unfortunately can’t go!
It’s a pity that you can’t join us. Depending on when you cancel, cancellation fees may apply. You can find these in our terms and conditions. Cancellation is free up to 30 days before
the start of the trip. We always strongly recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance. Together with our partner from MDT Travel, we offer several insurance packages.
For our bikepacking trips, we recommend a gravel or cross bike with tires that are at least 38-40mm wide, which roll easily while still providing grip in wet conditions.
Our primary riding surface will be asphalt, with the road surface being more firm than loose. It is advantageous if your gravel bike has eyelets for attaching luggage. We recommend a
handlebar bag, a saddlebag (hip pack), as well as 2 top tube bags (upper and lower), and mounts for water bottles.
We ride on all our bikepacking trips ourselves, so both your bike and you should be able to handle multi-day rides.
Our East Coast tour is physically demanding, as we ride 6 stages without a rest day.
Before booking our trip, it is important that you are aware that the entire journey covers nearly 800 km and 4,500 meters of elevation. This means that if you book the trip, you should be
physically capable of handling it. The stages are challenging (approximately 120-180 km per day), and the descents are fast and can be quite demanding.
If you are aware of all this, then you are in for a unique experience. This program is not only about cycling but also about enjoying the unique, contrasting landscapes and escaping
everyday life for 8 days.
Book suitable travel insurance now
Together with MDT Travel, we offer our guests comprehensive insurance coverage. For this trip, travel cancellation insurance is mandatory, as unforeseen events can happen just before departure, preventing you from joining the tour. We also highly recommend international health insurance! Participants can choose the right packages from various insurance options.
Book Insurance HereTriberg Bike Reisen wird von Andreas Steinicke als Geschäftsführer & Inhaber geleitet, zahlreiche Mountainbike Guides unterstützen uns bei der Durchführung der Reisen. Unser MTB Angebot zielt auf alle Enduro & Gravity Rider.
Im Angebot sind individuelle Bike Reisen zu den interessantesten Spots im In- und
Ausland. Besonderen Wert wird auf kleine Gruppen und eine familiärer Atmosphäre gelegt.
Das Kredo lautet: Anspruchsvolle Reisen mit individueller Betreuung für alle Enduro und
Downhill Biker.
Wir veranstalten auch Gravel Bike Reisen bzw. Backpacking Reisen mit dem Gravel Bike.
Hier bieten wir allen Gravel Bike Enthusiasten spannende Reisen im In- und Ausland an. Immer mit dem Anspruch möglichst viele Wege abseits der Straße zu fahren.
Das Ganze veranstalten wir in gewohnt familiärer Atmosphäre in kleinen Gruppen.